Catalog creation


The following tutorial will help you adapt the CUISINES & BAINS generic catalog to your needs.

Download the complete MOBISCRIPT catalog creation guide in PDF format, click here.

Adapting a generic catalog

It's perfectly possible to work with the generic CUISINES & BAINS catalog as it stands. However, if the dimensions or plinth height of the furniture in the KITCHENS & BATHS catalog don't match those of the furniture you're using, you'll have to modify them systematically before installing them. Secondly, you'll need to adapt to the model names, finishes and organization of the KITCHENS & BATHS catalog. Finally, you'll need to enter the prices of each item if you want to make a quotation, since the prices in the KITCHENS & BATHS catalog are all 0.

To avoid these inconveniences, you can easily create a version of the generic catalog that better suits your needs. Depending on the amount of time you wish to devote to it, you can go to greater or lesser lengths in adapting the catalog.

None of the following operations is mandatory. You can simply choose the ones you feel you need. While faster than creating a catalog from scratch, adapting a generic catalog can be time-consuming.

Create a copy of the generic catalog

To begin with, make a copy of the generic KITCHENS & BATHS catalog. Modify this copy to suit your needs.

The name of the new catalog should appear in Mobiscript's title bar.

Adapting catalog constants

This operation enables you to adapt the standard dimensions and installation heights of catalog items to those of the furniture you use. This operation alone can justify the creation of a new catalog, as it is so easy to use. To do this :

Each time a constant value is modified, the new value is reflected in the entire catalog (dimensions, altitudes, drawings, etc.).

If you only wish to use KitchenDraw to produce drawings (plans, elevations and perspectives), you can be satisfied with this single operation.

Reorganize catalog blocks

If you want to present the KitchenDraw catalog blocks in the same order as the paper catalog, and delete any unnecessary blocks :

Adding or deleting catalog items

It is possible that the items in certain blocks of the KITCHENS & BATHS catalog exist in wider widths than you require, or that you would like to add items corresponding to other dimensions. In this case :

Modify article references

It's a good idea to replace generic part numbers in the CUISINES & BAINS catalog with the manufacturer's part numbers. This will enable you to find an item in the manufacturer's catalog simply by typing in its reference number, and the real references will appear on costed documents (quotations, purchase orders, etc.).

To change reference numbers :

Enter models

If you wish to find the manufacturer's model names in the KitchenDraw catalog, proceed as follows:

Enter model finishes

You can assign finishes to the models defined in the previous step, i.e. front, cabinet, veneered side colors, etc.

Models from the CUISINES & BAINS catalog whose name, code, price group and description you have simply changed, still have their original finishes. You can modify them and, if necessary, delete those that are surplus to requirements.

On the other hand, the models you've created have no finish at all. In this case, you'll need to add them using the previous models as inspiration.

Template finishes are entered after selecting Template finishes in the Entity option box of the Mobiscript window.

Grab model handles

Template handles are entered after selecting Template handles in the Entity option box of the Mobiscript window.

When you select a template in the Template options box, the handles that can be associated with it appear with a yellow background in the first column.

You can add a handle to the selected model by pressing the Add or Insert button, or delete a handle by selecting the line and pressing the Delete button.

Before adding or inserting a handle, be sure to select its type from the Type options box. The Handle type indicates that the handle will be used on both doors and drawers. The Door handle type indicates that the handle will be used on doors only, and the Drawer handle type indicates that the handle will be used on drawers only.

Once you've added a blank handle line, it's a good idea to fill it in by copying and pasting from a handle line you've already filled in, and then modifying some of its parameters if necessary.

To find out the meaning of the various parameters defining a handle, you can download the mobiscript user manual.

Enter item families

An article family characterizes a set of articles sharing the same variants (finishes). For example, model-dependent furniture forms a family. Metal accessories can also form a family if they come in identical colors.

The KITCHENS & BATHS catalog contains around thirty families. They're probably not all useful for the catalog you're creating, but that's okay: you can keep them.

On the other hand, it's possible that your catalog contains families of items not included in the KITCHENS & BATHROOMS catalog. For example, your catalog may contain a family of lacquered decorative furniture and a family of veneered decorative furniture.

In this case, you'll need to add two families to the list by pressing the Add button twice.

The easiest way to do this is to find a family of the same type among the default families in the KITCHENS & BATHROOMS catalog; in this case, the Deco Elements family, and copy its contents into the white lines created earlier.

Once the families have been created, all that remains is to assign them to the blocks concerned. This is done in the Family column of the table that appears when you select Blocks in the Entity options box. For each block, select the family to which it is to be attached in the Family column option box.

Enter family finishes

The finishes of a family are the colors in which the blocks belonging to this family are available. For example, for the Deco Elements family, you can enter color 1 for the fronts and color 2 for the housings.

To add a finish to a family :

Enter item prices

Item prices in the KITCHENS & BATHS catalog default to 0.

Once items have been created and assigned to the right family, they can be given a price, which may vary according to model or family finish.

For price information :

When models belong to the same price group, you can copy the column of one of the models and paste it onto that of the others. Before doing so, select Templates in the View options box to hide all items that do not depend on templates for their price.

Adding blocks

The KITCHENS & BATHS catalog may not contain all the catalog blocks you want to create.

Mobiscript lets you create these missing blocks without having to make any drawings; simply by writing small scripts that call up the 'basic parts' of a particular catalog invisible in KitchenDraw's installation window, #BASE.CAT.

For full details of how to create catalogs, download the mobiscript documentation.

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